At Ultimate Fitness Cheshire we offer a complete end to end solution for achieving both health, physical fitness, aesthetic goals and well being. Our group personal training membership encourages people to achieve their potential whilst being part of an exclusive community of people who all help each other achieve health, fitness and well being. If you speak to anyone who comes to Ultimate Fitness Cheshire they will tell you, it’s a special place with an even more special atmosphere.
Our Mission
To establish build and maintain health fitness and well being in each individual member of the Cheshire 100.
Facilities at Ultimate Fitness Cheshire
The facilities at Ultimate Fitness Cheshire studio have been thought out carefully and acquired over many years of testings and careful considseration. Anyone who has trained at our facility will agree that the equipment really is second to none. We are not a Micky Mouse Studio with a few pieces of cheap kit knocking about with a few bar bell and some Olympic weights…we really do have everything you need to achieve your optimum physique, our equipment takes the best from the best. From the technogym cable machines, the concept 2 rowers, the life fitness functional trainer, the stair master, the TRX table, the ski erg, the power gym hack squat (to name a few) you will find no limitations with what we have which has been bought by someone who has completely immersed themselves in this discipline for the past 15 years.

Why Choose Us?
Train with us for experience, by this we mean two things, firstly, owner Mike has done over 15000 personal training sessions. That’s a lot of experience. Secondly train with us for the experience it self. Anyone who has trained with us will tell you its just a great experience training with us for the mind body and soul there is a great little community, its great both socially and for networking with some great people.
Our location is stunning and our equipment is state of the art ensuring that you have all the necessary tools at your disposal to develop your fitness and well being.
There’s a great social aspect to Ultimate Fitness and a sense of belonging. We very much look forward to welcoming you to the fold but remember for our Group Training, there are only 100 members per facility to ensure an personal individual experience. Get involved now!!